Born: Yannick Bhati, Democratic Republic of Congo

Nickname: Black Mamba

Date of Birth: 1989

Weight: 206 LBS/92.99kg

Division: Middleweight and light heavyweight

Pro MMA Record: [9-7-0-1]


Yannick Bhati, a Congolese fighter, now based in Birmingham, England, is a testament to the power of determination and resilience. Inspired by the likes of Bruce Lee and Mike Tyson, Bhati’s interest in MMA was sparked at a young age. He has since participated in fifteen professional fights and two amateur bouts, each one a testament to his unwavering commitment to his craft.


The fighter made his amateur debut in Fight UK 2, battling Adam Cousins and winning following a triangle choke in round one. Next, he faced JD Hyton at Fight UK 3 and won following a Kimura move in round one.

Bhati made his professional debut at Fight UK 4, where he faced Dan Watkins and defeated his opponent following a TKO via a flurry of punches in the opening round. Next, Bhati faced Tihamer Lore. The two came in, stepping cautiously and landing cautious leg kicks. Bhati landed a straight punch before a takedown, which ended in a sprawl. Lore went for a guillotine choke, but Bhati maintained a half-guard. Bhati broke out of the choke and went in for a full mount, where he landed savage elbow strikes. Lore tried to slip through, but Bhati went for a rear naked choke that Lore broke out of. Bhati was relentless and peppered Lore with more punches and heavy ground before a referee stoppage in round one.

After his victory over Ben Constantine at BAMMA 11, a fight that showcased his skill and determination, Bhati faced a tough challenge in Dalcha Lungiambula at EFC Africa 39. Despite his best efforts, Bhati lost the fight after a unanimous decision, a setback that only fueled his determination to improve and succeed in future matches.

Subsequently, Bhati fought Warren Allison at EFC Worldwide 45 and destroyed his opponent
after a keylock led to a verbal submission in round one. Next, he faced Jp Kruger for the middleweight championship title, which he won following a kimura move in the opening round. Michiel Opperman was his next opponent at the EFC Worldwide 93, and the match was overturned to a no-contest.

Later, he faced David Buriski to defend his middleweight championship title and destroyed his rival after a TKO due to a barrage of punches in the second round. Next, Bhati battled Hallam at BAMMA 29. Hallam came in with leg kicks and brutal knee strikes that backed Bhati to the cage, but he found his rhythm and came back swinging a straight punch and a left jab. The two continued to exchange blows. Hallam landed a knee strike to the head, and Bhati countered with a left-right combo. Hallam danced around Bhati. His opponent landed another one-two combo. He went in for a takedown but ended in a clinch that Hallam broke through.

The two continued to swing savage punches and land hard leg kicks before round one came to a close. Hallam came into round two with a right cross, but Bhati responded with a left jab. He landed a leg kick and a straight jab that backed Hallam to the cage, but he escaped. The two continue their fiery exchange before a takedown by Bhati. He soon put Hallam in a rear naked choke that led to a submission in round two.

Successively, he faced challenger Dricus Du Plessis to defend his title. The two came in with heavy punches. Plessis missed an uppercut and landed a one-two combo followed by a leg kick. Bhati countered with a straight punch before going in for a takedown, but Plessis had him a guillotine choke that led to his submission in round one, and he lost his middleweight title. Next, he faced Mike Shipman at BAMMA 31 and lost following a TKO in round three. He soon faced Damian Janikowski at KSW 43 and was defeated after a flurry of punches led to a TKO in round one.

Soon after, Bhati battled Amir Dadovic and won the match following a kimura move in round one. Next, he fought Melvin Manhoef and lost the fight following a ground and pound in round one. Afterwards, he battled Luke Trainer and lost the match to an elbow strike in round two.
His last recorded fight was against Jaroslaw Lech, and he lost the fight to a unanimous decision.


L9-7-0-1JAROSLAW LECH https://youtu.be/G_tEZNUHZ1g?si=8TmTfl5lCH7MrY-p
L9-6-0-1LUKE TRAINER https://youtu.be/S7Mr15-aNdg?si=k32WfmAblCp9qj00
L8-3-0-1MIKE SHAPMAN https://youtu.be/9YDKonMkGqM?si=fZ5U6PT7Tb-eqHdw
L8-2-0-1DRICUS DU PLESSIS https://youtu.be/4btJQuhCROc?si=vBrPPMbzl2P2tkDn
W8-1-0-1MATTHEW HALLAM https://youtu.be/eEgZEl9AgxQ?si=ySqC4r5gWH927IO0
W2-0-0TIHAMER LORE https://youtu.be/ZptwSiIZ88I?si=ItX4HZmKclJR0z8e

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