Fighter Darren Till is set to face Tommy Fury in a boxing match on January 18 in Manchester, England.
During a press conference for the fight, Fury threw a water bottle at Till, almost causing a big blowout between both teams. After the fight. Till said he couldn’t wait to get into the octagon with Fury, and he would go for a head kick if he’s losing the boxing match.
“I just haven’t seen anything, to be honest with you,” Till said when asked about what he thinks of Fury’s skills. “I’m just going to obliterate him, I am. I’m going to f*cking absolutely do a number on him. I’m going to walk him down and obliterate him.”

“At the end of the day, I can’t beat you. I’ll just kick you in the face in there,” Till said. “How about that?”
“I’m a proper fighter, not a boxer,” Till continued. “I don’t walk in a room like this and see boxing and go, ‘Shit.’ I walk in, no one here is a threat to me. Not one person in this room, security, you, and your dad are not a threat to me. I’m an MMA fighter, so if I want to kick you or elbow you in the face, I will, and no one can do anything about it.”
Till is confident about beating Tommy Fury and will go for the head if it comes down to it. The pro-boxer is unimpressed with Fury’s performance and believes he will destroy the fighter.